Holistic diagnosis and therapy of autoimmune diseases
Autoimmune diseases are on the rise. They have increased dramatically especially in the last few years. How can information medicine help patients with autoimmune diseases? In this seminar you will receive comprehensive information on the holistic diagnosis and therapy of autoimmune diseases based on the ctt test and therapy system.
- Holistic diagnosis based on the ctt test system
- New energetic blockages
- Causes of autoimmune diseases from an energetic perspective
- Holistic therapy system for autoimmune diseases
- Integration of new test kits in diagnostics

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Navi: Zisterzienserweg (Besucherparkplatz)
Tel.: 08141 – 66 65 140
E-mail: veranstaltungsforum@fuerstenfeld.de
Web: https://www.fuerstenfeld.de/
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