Beratung: 039932-75 488 10

Online-Consultation HUMAN: Pollen

When sneezing and swollen eyes start to fill the practice once again – we know it has begun – the pollen season – and with it the many patients seeking our help. For many allergy suffers, not only does the pollen season now last longer, but also the consequences of their allergy gets worse every year.

In this online consultation, Dr. Jürgen Henneke, General Practitioner, and Simone Maquinay, Bioresonance Therapist, will bring you up to date on pollen allergy treatment and show you specific treatment protocols for the pollen season. They will answer your questions and give you valuable practical tips. This is a fantastic opportunity to acquire new knowledge and refresh your existing know-how. You can look forward to a lot of input and a wealth of experience from two renown bioresonance experts.

The recording lasts 1,5 hours.

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